Today we will talk about the car: the worst place to charge your mobile phone and that is, in case you are not very sure that there is a correct way to charge your phone, think that you are not the only one.
Here we must take into account that the battery charge usually causes the performance of the device to degrade as time goes by, regardless of the way in which we charge it.
Smartphones usually operate with batteries that are lithium ion and work by moving charge carriers from one electrode to another.
You must take into account that the movement of the ions will generate some pressure on the electrodes and will reduce the useful life of the battery.
Charge the mobile in the car through the cigarette lighter
Many people who are dedicated to charging the mobile battery inside the car use the tobacco lighter and, as a general rule, it usually provides about 12V of power.
In this sense, you have to be honest and keep in mind that smartphones usually use about 5V but the adapter may be able to regulate the voltage in a safe way.
In the event that the adapter does not work correctly or does not belong to the mobile manufacturer, it is possible that a lot of energy is sent and that it ends up being damaged.
It must be taken into account that any type of overload or sudden power spikes can occur and can lead to overheating as well as damage to the different internal components.